Energy Body (Playlist)

It has been a while since I let my energy body be felt more than my physical body.

The human, meaty, flesh suit is wondrous for completing tasks and navigating through this material world. It keeps me safe and protected. It gives me feet to feel grounded upon the floor and hands to hold memories in my palms. It is easy for me to forget how much energy rushes and surges through me and others around me. It is also quite easy to get caught up in seeing each other as characters, rather than these beautiful bodies of energy. When I get too wrapped up in the characters in my head, or the characters my mind forms thanks to what my eyes see, I have to come back to my soul. I have to come back to the essence of my being. The eyes can be deceiving, the brain matter can grasp at straws, but the energy never lies. Energy is never created or destroyed. It is only transformed, transmuted.

When I am steadily calling somebody out by name I remember names can be changed too. The name I thought I was tarnishing is bringing a smile to another one’s face. Most of the problems I face come from a stuck and stagnant perspective. I am quickly learning how to let my emotions run their course because soon enough I know I will return to love.

I compiled a playlist of music that brings me back to my energy body: